Interior Floors: Yes

Interior Walls: Yes

Shower Walls & Floor: Yes

Outdor: Yes

Pool Rated: No

Point & Dash Collection

POINT & DASH: Where Design Punctuates Possibilities
Point and Dash, as punctuation marks, signify a break in thought, indicating that there’s more to come. This collection embodies a design in a state of transition, an ongoing development on a matte canvas. Here, by passing through points, lines are created to shape your own creative narrative.
What’s your point? Are you pointing in the right direction? This collection challenges you to explore the uncharted territories of design, embracing the beauty of the journey and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.
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  • 6"x6"
  • 0.3"x6"

Material: Porcelain

Finish: Matte

Aplication: Walls, Floors, Outdoor Rated, Shower floors, Interior, Exterior R10

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